Welcome to our first Blog

This blog is to report the goings on at SpinDoc. Everything from race reports to training blogs.

Friday, December 19, 2014



So, this letter has been (almost) two weeks in the making…there have been moments when I sat down at the computer with a cup of coffee and just stared at the overwhelmingly white screen. There have been other moments where I sat down with Beethoven playing in the background and a notebook thinking that the creative juices would start flowing -- but they never came.

Now that I am finally taking a moment to breathe, collect myself and peck humbly at the keyboard…I realize that I just don’t have words. I am so grateful for everything and everyone that in my 27 years of collecting vocabulary and finding a voice, I am so overwhelmed by the power of love that I can’t find the words.

The words that I can come across, that I think I could fill the whole page with, are Thank You. Thank you, everyone, for being there for my family. I have come to the conclusion that it is harder watching a loved one go through something like this than it is going through it yourself. My family has been so incredibly strong. My parents have made sure that I have not had to go through a single doctor's appointment alone, nor have I gone a day without hearing an ‘I love you.’ I am sure some (or all) of you have seen and know how incredibly hard Chandler and Kirk work. They have worked even harder to make sure that I am not alone. I am in complete awe of their strength, will and love.

Chandler, after working full days and being an incredible mother to her other two children and being an amazing wife/home organizer, worked non-stop to create every aspect of this auction and I think it came together more incredibly than I could have ever imagined. It was a true joy to see everyone that came. I feel so blessed and loved and honored and grateful and over-joyed…. I could list different words of how I have been affected by this, but I will spare you all from the redundancy.

            We are all survivors in one way or another; I think this event honored that. We have all gone through times when we truly needed the help of other people. I am always there for any of you and your families if there is anything I can ever do, even if it’s just sending positive thoughts, I will gladly accept the task.

            Thank you for celebrating my life with me.

            It is such a blessed one.

           Chandler always says, “Sometimes it takes a village.” Well, I am so honored to have such a strong and caring village.

           Be well, all! Happy Holidays.


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